
Whether you’re an experienced Linux developer or an end user just getting started with Linux, there are many ways for you to participate in the Kubuntu community. Whatever you do, take a few minutes to discuss Kubuntu with other users and become an active member of the Kubuntu community. Some of the most active members are listed on the Kubuntu Team page.

icon-konversationLive Chat

The Kubuntu team uses IRC mainly, but we also use Telegram for discussing development, support and just hanging out.

Chat to Kubuntu users for support on #kubuntu on, or on Telegram.

Please also read the IRC Guidelines page.
To get help with connecting to IRC, please visit the related wiki article.

A separate Matrix channel is also available.

firefoxWeb Forums

Kubuntu web forums are the best place for Kubuntu support related issues.

KDE Forum gives help on applications and the desktop used in Kubuntu.

Ask Ubuntu has a wealth of knowledge and friendly people willing to help you with your questions.

icon-email  Mailing List

Join the Kubuntu Users mailing list for a way to ask for help and exchange experiences with other Kubuntu users.

Event Calendar

Get involved by checking in at community events, checkout the upcoming schedule via the Kubuntu Calendar

preferences-desktop-font Local Language Support

Kubuntu support is available in some languages. Visit the local pages for more information:

systemsettings Contribute and Bug Reporting

Contribute and Bug Reporting

For more information on contributing to Kubuntu and submitting bug reports, please visit the Contributing to Kubuntu page. Anyone can help!

Follow us on Social Media


Like and Follow our Kubuntu Facebook page to stay up to date.


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Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Video reviews and community shows.


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Join us on out in the Open, wild and Free on Mastodon.

Kubuntu Community Governance

Kubuntu Council

Kubuntu is part of Ubuntu and is governed from within Ubuntu governance structures by the Kubuntu Council.