Through intense self-reflection, it has come to the attention of several Kubuntu developers that Kubuntu is not currently reaching its full potential. Whether due to major architectural changes in the software stack, the usage of certain Ubuntu technologies or limited developer time, we have realized that deep changes must occur. In order to fix this situation will do all in our power to make sure Kubuntu stands the test of time.
Project Timelord aims to establish a solid base for Kubuntu to build upon that will last a lifetime. To accomplish this, we have compiled a list of improvements and changes which we feel need to be made to Kubuntu, as well as a roadmap for implementing them. The roadmap outlines both immediate and ongoing technical remedies to improve developer efficiency and the overall quality of Kubuntu, as well as plans to promote the growth of both the developer and user support communities in the long term.
A detailed specification of Project Timelord can be found here.
The original brainstorming document can be found here.
Proposed Solutions
The following is a condensed form of the solutions brought forward by Project Timelord:
- Following the improvements of Kubuntu 9.10, translation and localization issues will be dealt with once and for all, to provide quality localization for both KDE and Kubuntu software.
- Concrete strategies for publicity, vision, marketing and software branding will be hammered out.
- To increase the efficiency of our bug trackers, only serious upstream bugs will be tracked at Launchpad. This way developers will be able to efficiently track distribution-specific issues without being lost in a sea of upstream bugs.
- Measures to ensure the continuing quality of our KDE packages will be put into place.
- Over the next few releases a push to improve the integration of Kubuntu-specific tools with KDE and the surrounding system will be made.
A roadmap for these solutions can be found in the full specification document previously linked to.
Help wanted!
Would you like to help Kubuntu achieve world domination? We have big plans for the future, and would love help in all areas, including packaging, bug triage, artwork, user support, promotion and much more. This is going to be big! If you are interested in making Kubuntu the best Linux distribution in existence, feel free to contact us to get started.