KDE SC 4.4.4 Packages Available
Packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4.4 are available. Users of 10.04 LTS can install it from the Kubuntu Updates PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa
Amarok 2.3.1 Released
Amarok 2.3.1 has been released. Users of the upcoming Kubuntu Maverick release can install it from the official Kubuntu repositories. Users of recent releases can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA by reading the Software Repository Guide and adding the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
Qt 4.7 Beta for Testers
If you want to try out Qt 4.7 and the interesting new world of Qt Quick (“from now on the way to make GUIs”), Kubuntu 10.04 users can try it from the experimental PPA. The Qt Creator packages there have Qt Quick designer integration.
KDE SC 4.4.3 Packages Available
Packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4.3 are available. Users of 10.04 LTS can install it from the Kubuntu Updates PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa
Amarok, KOffice, KDevelop Beta Packages Updates
Several applications have made beta releases and packages are available for Kubuntu for anyone wanting to test and give feedback to their developers. Amarok 2.3.1 Beta is available for Kubuntu 9.10 while Amarok, KOffice 2.2 Beta and KDevelop 3.10.2 are available for Kubuntu 10.04. To update, use the Software Repository…
KDE SC 4.4.2 Packages Available
Packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4.2 are available. Users of the Lucid development release can upgrade to the newest packages. Users of our stable 9.10 release can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository…
Amarok 2.3.0 Rocks Your Music
Amarok 2.3.0 is out. 9.10 Users of our stable 9.10 release (karmic) can get packages from our Backports PPA. This will also install KDE 4.4.1. To update, follow the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports then install or upgrade amarok Lucid Users…
KDevelop 4 Beta 9 Released
KDevelop 4 Beta 9 is out. Users of our latest development release, Lucid, can get packages from our Beta PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta then install kdevelop
KDE SC 4.4.1 Packages Available
Packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4.1 are available. Users of the Lucid development release can upgrade to the newest packages. Users of our stable 9.10 release can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository…
Amarok 2.3 Beta
Amarok 2.3 Beta 1 is out. Users of our latest development release, Lucid, can upgrade to the latest packages. Users of our stable 9.10 release can install it from the Kubuntu Beta Backports PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources…