Thanks to our Sponsors

The Kubuntu community is delighted and proud to ship Kubuntu. As a community of passionate contributors we need systems and services that enable us to work together, and host our development tools.

Our sponsors page provides details and links to the organisations that have supported us through our development process.

Bytemark is a UK based hosting provider that generously provide racked and hosted bare metal hardware upon which our build chain KCI ( Kubuntu Continuous Integration ) operates.

Kubuntu Continuous Integration Server, provided and sponsored by Bytemark

Bytemark the UK's

Linode, our US based hosting provider that generously provide scalable hosting upon which our build chain KCI operates.

Build and Packaging Servers provided and sponsored by Linode


Big Blue Button provide an online virtual classroom primarily targeted for online learning environments, but has proved itself a valuable tool for remote collaborative working, and community events.

Video conference and training suite, as used by Kubuntu Podcast, provided by Big Blue Button


We are deeply grateful for the support these organisations provide, and we welcome others to come join our community and pitch in.

On October 18, 2019, Category News, Tags ,

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