The beta of Groovy Gorilla (to become 20.10) has now been released, and is available for download.
This milestone features images for Kubuntu and other Ubuntu flavours.
Pre-releases of the Groovy Gorilla are not recommended for:
- Anyone needing a stable system
- Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
- Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
- Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable
They are, however, recommended for:
- Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
- Kubuntu, KDE, and Qt developers
- Other Ubuntu flavour developers
The Beta includes some software updates that are ready for broader testing. However, it is an early set of images, so you should expect some bugs.
You can:
- Read more information about the Kubuntu 20.10 Beta in the Release Notes.
- Read the full text of the main Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla announcement.
The Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla Release notes will give more details of changes to the Ubuntu base.