
Kubuntu 15.10 Beta 2

On September 25, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu 15.10 Beta 2

Today we’re releasing Beta 2 of 15.10! Let’s get to it testers and early adopters!   Changes include: Firefox 41 LibreOffice 5 KDE Applications 15.08 Beta 2 Release Notes: Get disk image from here:

New Kubuntu Council members

On September 10, 2015, Posted by , In News, By , With Comments Off on New Kubuntu Council members

Following the departure of a few Kubuntu Council members Philip (yofel) launched a new election for people to fill the chairs left on the council. The results of that election[1] are three brand new members! Welcome in myself (Aaron Honeycutt/ahoneybun), Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan(ovidiu-florin), Clay Weber(claydoh). [1]

Kubuntu Podcast #4 – Core Applications

On September 2, 2015, Posted by , In News,Podcast, With Comments Off on Kubuntu Podcast #4 – Core Applications

Show Hosts Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan blog: Rick Timmis G+: Blog: Aaron Honeycutt blog:   Show Schedule Intro   What have we (the hosts) been doing ? Aaron Updating the Kubuntu Manual for 15.10 Rick Vacation till last week! Ovidiu-Florin Updated my hair Started a Vlog on my…

Kubuntu Site Revamped

On August 31, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu Site Revamped

With the move to Plasma 5, updating the Kubuntu website seemed timely. Many people have contributed, including Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan, Aaron Honeycutt, Marcin Sągol and many others. We want to show off the beauty of Plasma 5, as well as allow easy access for Kubuntu users to the latest news, downloads,…

Kubuntu Wily Beta 1

The first Beta of Wily (to become 15.10) has now been released! The Beta-1 images can be downloaded from: More information on Kubuntu Beta-1 can be found here:

Plasma 5.3.2 and Frameworks 5.12.0 Backported to Kubuntu 15.04

On August 10, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,,, , With No Comments

Packages for the release of KDE’s desktop suite Plasma 5.3.2 and KDE’s Frameworks 5.12.0 are available for Kubuntu 15.04. You can get them from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. Bugs in the packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE. To update, use the Software…

Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Update Out

On August 6, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,,,,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Update Out

The third update to our LTS release 14.04 is out now. This contains all the bug fixes added to 14.04 since its first release in April 2014. Users of 14.04 can run the normal update procedure to get these bug fixes. See the 14.04.3 release announcement. Download 14.04.3 images.

Kubuntu Podcast #3 – Akademy 2015

On August 5, 2015, Posted by , In News,Podcast, With Comments Off on Kubuntu Podcast #3 – Akademy 2015

Show Hosts Ovidiu blog: Rick G+: Blog: Aaron blog: In Focus Akademy Update Full Circle Magazine This section focus on one aspect, application, feature, or function of Kubuntu. We’ll drill in deep, run screencasts, presentation and Q & A Muon Hot Picks Krita Avogadro Kontact Outro…

Kubuntu Wily Alpha 2

On July 30, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,,,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu Wily Alpha 2

The Second Alpha of Wily (to become 15.10) has now been released! The Alpha-2 images can be downloaded from: More information on Kubuntu Alpha-2 can be found here:

Kubuntu Team Launches Plasma Mobile References Images

On July 25, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu Team Launches Plasma Mobile References Images

The Kubuntu team is proud to announce the references images for Plasma Mobile. Plasma Mobile was announced today at KDE’s Akademy conference. Our images can be installed on a Nexus 5 phone. More information on Plasma Mobile’s website.